This Site is for Adults Only

It contains links to fictional depictions of nudity, violence, and death.

You must be 18+ to continue. Otherwise, click here.

Welcome to! I’m your host, Nyghtfall3D. I’m a digital artist and fantasy death fetishist based in the US.


Fantasy Death is a directory of sites that feature content related to the fantasy death fetish. If you enjoy fetish-themed artwork or watching consenting adults role-play fantasy death scenes in staged productions, and you look for such content for your personal entertainment, then you’re a fellow fetishist and among friends.

My goal is to help you discover links and resources to related content. I strive to be impartial and refrain from favoring any one site or balking at another. As long as links work and sites include fetish-related content, I will gladly add them. The only content I don’t support is real-world murder and mayhem.

It's Free!

Fantasy Death is privately owned, built and maintained solely by me. It is strictly a labor of love, and absolutely free of charge – I pay all maintenance costs out of my own pocket.

It's Read Only

The site is powered by XenForo, a premiium community platform for running message boards. I'm using it as a content management system (CMS). The Log in button is only for me.

Submitting Links

Links may be submitted by anyone using the 'Contact' menu at the top or the 'Contact us' link at the bottom of the site. They will be vetted and indexed by me within 24 hours of receipt.
