Welcome to Fantasy Death! I’m your host, Nyghtfall3D. I’m a digital artist and fantasy death fetishist based in the US.

Fantasy Death is a directory of sites that feature content related to the fantasy death fetish. If you enjoy fetish-themed artwork or watching consenting adults role-play fantasy death scenes in staged productions, and you look for such content for your personal entertainment, then you’re a fellow fetishist and among friends.

My goal is to help you discover links and resources to related content. I strive to be impartial and refrain from favoring any one site or balking at another. As long as links work and sites include fetish-related content, I will gladly add them. The only content I don’t support is real-world murder and mayhem.

Fantasy Death is privately owned, built and maintained solely by me. It is strictly a labor of love, and absolutely free of charge – I pay all maintenance costs out of my own pocket.

Links may be submitted by anyone using a form located under the Contact menu. They will be vetted and indexed by me within 24 hours of receipt. If you find any dead links, there’s a form for those, too, with the same response time. Do not use the general feedback form to submit links, whether dead or live – they will be ignored.

With that in mind, thanks for visiting! I hope you find something of interest. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or complaints. 🙂

