And, We’re Back…

And I dearly hope I never have to rebuild again…

While I’m thankful to have the site back online, I’m saddened to report that the fetish community recently lost one of our own. Big O passed away over the weekend. He was one of the most active, most well-respected, and generous members of the community who’s contributions over the last 20+ years are innumerable. He will certainly be missed, but never forgotten.

In other news, Invisible Strangler and Bad Seed Films recently had their Gumroad stores closed. As far as I know, Invisible Strangler has no other home, so I’ve removed them from the Producers index. Bad Seed Films has built their own site and is putting the finishing touches on it. I’ve updated their listing accordingly.

Finally, I’ll re-upload my artwork over the next several days. My priority was getting the site back on its feet and resuming its main purpose.

Fantasy Death Will Return on July 31st

Hello, my name is Nyghtfall3D. I own and operate Fantasy Death, your free-access Death Fetish Yellow Pages.

Don’t worry, the site wasn’t hacked.

On July 17, WordPress failed to update itself to the current version. I tried to manually upgrade, and that failed, too. While preparing to track down and solve the problem, my attempt to backup the site also failed. And then I discovered all of the text on the link indices had inexplicably turned the same color as the background. At that point, I knew I was going to have to erase everything and re-build again. I had to rebuild the site once before when I renamed it in May, and wasn’t looking forward to having to reinstall and reconfigure the dozen or so plugins I was using. In other words, I needed a break.

The site will return next Wednesday. Meanwhile, I’ve reinstalled WordPress and finished customizing the site’s appearance.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.