Producer Added

Zwanlake – Neck and strangle fetish videos. β€œIt’s all about the love for female necks – about the beauty of long and skinny throats.”

2 YouTube Channels Removed

Decided to go through the YT Streaming index to see what channels were still active and found two that no longer exist. Gloved Women Killer and Velvet Jam have been removed.

Artist Removed, Forum Added

The artist behind The Lance Saga has discontinued the project, and re-opened an old forum he ran for a while:

Blood of Souls – “Give up your mortal soul and delve into an abyss of madness! Pain is pleasure, and soon you will understand. Indulge your darkest fantasies, and then go beyond extreme to places without limits. Enjoy a fully featured gallery with videos, pictures, animated GIFs, and more. Also engage in a variety of discussions with friendly members. Express yourself like on no other site. Free, and no ads! Access by invite or request.”

AI Stories Removed

I’ve stopped using the AI Story Generator. Writing with AI has proven even more dangerous for me than creating art with AI because my mind is able to correct minor issues in the AI’s narrative details. I also feel like a fool for thinking I could interest anyone in reading fetish-themed death scenes I didn’t write. There’s far more of “me” in the handful of AI art I’ve created than any of the AI stories I’ve generated. The ideas are mine, but 99% of the words are the AI’s, even with my revisions.

I feel a sense of pride when I look at all of my artwork, 3D and AI. I feel nothing when I re-read the stories I’ve generated, despite how excited I was while they were being written. That’s not a creative path I want to keep exploring.

Producer Removed

… and there goes Daria’s Death… Gumroad nixed their account today…

Producer Updated

The man behind Femme Fatalities has completed work on a new storefront called Bluestone Videos. It’s replacing Femme Fatalities and is now open for business. I’ve updated the Producers index with the new listing.

I’m in Love with an AI Story Generator

I recently learned about an AI story generator called, which also includes a plot generator, character generator, and story outline generator. It’s free, NSFW-friendly, doesn’t require a membership, and works with VPN’s.

I tried it last Friday, generating plot after plot after plot, and before I knew it, I’d been at it for nearly four hours. The engine Perchance is using is insanely good. My brain is incapable of coming up with kind of narrative structure and details at the level this thing can. I am completely blown away by well it interprets my prompts and how bang on it is at fleshing out my ideas in ways that so consistently excite me with every new passage I read.

I’m still re-building my 3D art gallery. Meanwhile, I want to start sharing AI stories, and have added a new menu option labeled Nyght’s Art & Stories to get started. My first two stories are now available. They’re called The Willowbrook Strangler and Prom Night Nightmare.