Producer, Artist Added

Foot Predator – Primarily a foot fetish site, includes limp play and limited death fetish content. The latter is located under the “Thanatos” section.

The artist behind The Lance Saga is back at it.

The Lance Saga Digital Novel – “On-going extreme erotica. 440+ page PDF novel is yours if you allow yourself to succumb to the darkness. All taboos and lines crossed, all limits obliterated. Also includes a shitload of extra stuff and free lifetime updates as they are written! There is no going back!”

Artist Added

LCFRVSJSS – 3D artist specializing in BDSM, vore, horror, fiction. If you like slashers, horror, and exploitation movies, his work might be right up your alley.

Request Codes for Deadly Desires Filled

I just filled the fifth and final request for an invite code for Deadly Desires that I received six days ago. That includes requests I received from the 9th through the 12th. My apologies for the delay. To reiterate what I wrote earlier, their system only allows one code generation every 24 hours.

Incidentally, invite codes only last 7 days from the day they’re issued. Everyone I sent a code to was reminded of this. Nevertheless, two of them have expired. I will not issue a replacement. To the remaining three of you, I look forward to seeing you on Deadly Desires, provided you register in time.

VoreFile’s PayHip Store Disabled

If you’ve encountered any trouble buying content from VoreFile’s PayHip store, I just learned from a 3-day-old post on his Patreon that the processing company for his PayHip store has disabled purchases. His catalog is still online, but anyone trying to buy anything will get an error advising that the account can’t accept live purchases.

He’s currently reviewing options.

Code Request Form for Deadly Desires Removed

The queue I wrote about yesterday is the second time I’ve had people waiting for codes, and playing catch-up is not a pleasant experience. Therefore, I’ve removed the form and will no longer issue codes. The five people still waiting for one will receive theirs as soon as possible.

Request Codes Queue for Deadly Desires

I’ve received an influx of requests for an invitation code to Deadly Desires in the last several days and would like to publicly apologize to everyone still waiting for a code. Unfortunately, their system only allows one code generation every 24 hours. Consequently, I’m unable to fill every request within the 24-hour window I prefer.

There are currently five people in line for a code. Rest assured, I will respond to everyone as soon as possible, but it’s going to take time.

Thank you.