
I’ve been creating digital art in 3D since 2009. All of these works are mine.

One of my ambitions as a digital artist was to create traditionally formatted, 3D-rendered comics. Thanks to an app called Comic Life 3, I finally started achieving that goal in early 2023. It’s been part of my workflow ever since.

This was my first project as a new 3D artist. I had noodled around with DAZ Studio since its inception in 2006 and got serious about 3D art in 2009. After editing death scenes from mainstream movies and TV for 8 years, I felt an irresistible need to produce original fetish-themed content but don't know how to draw, and custom videos remain prohibitively expensive.

My original plan was to complete a single render in an attempt to bring one idea I had to life, and to see what I could do with DAZ Studio. The more I learned, the more I wanted to tell a bit of a story, providing a setup to her death. The result was a series of 6 renders that took me two months to pose and light up. Two weeks of that was spent learning how to create my own water because I couldn't find a suitable texture online.

Over the years, whenever I’ve created scenes involving antagonists with telekinetic powers, folks have inevitably drawn comparisons to an order of wizards from the Sci-Fi franchise, Star Wars, called Sith Lords. So, in December 2021, I created a Sith Lord named Darth Gar’rote.

Gar’rote was a Darth in the Sith Order who took pleasure in using the Force to murder women. A freak accident transported him to present-day Earth. Unarmed and unable to return home, he’s found solace in satiating his homicidal desires here. His favorite victims are successful career women. These are his exploits.