Artist Removed

The Lance Saga has been removed per the artist’s request due to lack of interest.

Producer Added

Given how long this producer has been active – since the late 90s – I feel it an almost criminal oversight to have neglected to include them on the list of Producers when the site launched. Better late than never I supposed. Nevertheless, I apologize.

Silk ‘N Blood – Bluestone’s Silk Videos. Originally produced fetish videos based on the 90’s TV crime drama, “Silk Stalkings”. Today, they produce modern-day murder scenarios under a project called, “Scotland Yard Cold Cases”, and a long-running series of “Superheroine Peril” videos.

More AI Art – Last Two for Now

Anyone who’s spent time with AI apps like Stable Diffusion know how incredibly biased they are toward portraiture, which basically means good luck using it to create even a one-off in which your character(s) need to look away from the camera.

I’ve spent countless hours fighting Fooocus on that point alone for every project I’ve created with it thus far, and I am really fuckin’ tired of it. So, I decided to play its game with a couple of POV renders before I finally set the tech aside for now.

Not surprisingly, I had the faces and their expressions done in a fraction of the time it usually takes me when doing angled camera setups – As in 3-5 passes instead of 30-40.

The two pieces are called Strangled Startup and Spring Break Strangle, and they’re both on my AI Art page.

Producer Removed

Gumroad has removed all of vorefile’s content. I’ve removed the link from the Producers page.

According to his DeviantArt and Patreon pages, he has a backup plan he’ll be unveiling soon.

FD Forum Closing, VoD Expanding

After further consideration, I would rather not pay for two software licenses or deal with any technical issues that might arise on my new Fantasy Death forum, so I’m closing it and expanding my 3D art board, Visions of Darkness, to offer a platform for the fantasy death fetish community. The Fantasy Death Yellow Pages will move forward without a message board.

The new Fantasy Death sub-forum will be available on VoD next Wednesday.

Producer Updated

Evil Fantasies has closed their Gumroad store due to changes in Gumroad’s ToS. They now have their own website.